>My new favorite thing…

>So weve had our Slingbox FOREVER. and Ive never used it until recently and I couldnt imagine the need for it either. Well since I cannot get a TV in the office where I work (because of the stupid high ceilings) So I used to take the computer in there and try to chat while I work to entertain myself. 

Well I finally used the slingbox and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!!I can sit in a room with no tv and watch tv on the laptop. well thats not a HUGE deal right? but I can also use it on my cell phone. and watch whatever is on TV. it is super awesome!!!

5 thoughts on “>My new favorite thing…

  1. >Why don’t just get a TV directly on your PC? There are many companies that offer such services and for about $40, you can access more then 3000 channels. Anyway, you may want to check out this website with a review of pro’s and con’s of slingbox….have fun:)http://www.homenetworksolutions.net/sling-media-slingbox.php

  2. >I have no idea what a slingbox might be, but I just had to follow you. I too have 3 extremely noisy children–2 boys and a princess same as you. And I love Weird Al. I think we may be long lost sisters 😉

  3. >I recently starting using http://parkmytv.com which hosts my slingbox for me and I’m now getting MUCh better video quality since I’m not limited to my home DSL upload speeds and I pleasantly no longer annoy those at home watching TV while I’m switching channels on them while away 🙂 I think they are in trials now but I was able to get an account early on…

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